Lab two did not start off the way I had anticipated; but the best laid plans, right? The kids from St. Mary's came in like usual and sat down. We started off observing Adam and Nicole, to see how they would do with their gallop, hop, and run. We were to pay specific attention to certain things that the kids were doing with their hop ( if foot not being used was in front or in back of them), and with their gallop ( if it was more of a skip, or they actually could gallop), and the run ( if trail leg came to a 90 degree angle). After observing the kids we all split into groups. My group and I went outside to play with the older kids (grade 3-5) and they were playing kickball, one of my favorites! After playing kickball with the kids we brought them inside to play our games. My game was first and I had a lot of difficulty getting the kids attention. The ones who stuck around to play my game had a look of, here's another college kid having us play his game. Fortunately with the help of my lab leader we were able to explain the game and once we were playing, others saw how much fun we were having and came over to play too! In the future, I should deffinately come up with a creative way of getting the kids attention. Every one else's game went great on the day and we all had a lot of fun...hope the kids are having as much fun as I am.
make sure to fill out your whole entire lab